Smart Pill Dispenser

* Team Number: 11
* Team Name: iHealth
* Team Members: Zed Liu, Jiazhen Zhang
* Description of test hardware: laptop, Project Prototype

1. Video Presentation

Please check this link

2. Project Summary

Device Description

The iHealth smart dispenser addresses the problem of managing complex medication regimens, which can often be challenging and error-prone for individuals who have to take multiple medications at various times throughout the day. It simplifies this process by automatically sorting and dispensing the correct dose of pills at the scheduled times, thereby reducing the risk of missed or incorrect doses.


The inspiration for the iHealth smart dispenser came from my own experiences watching close family members struggle with managing their complex medication schedules. Seeing them juggle numerous pill bottles and often forgetting to take their medicine on time, or taking the wrong doses, made me realize the need for a more foolproof solution. This personal connection drove my passion to develop a technology that not only assists in managing medications efficiently but also provides peace of mind for both users and their families. The idea was to use smart technology to create a device that could handle the intricacies of medication management with precision, ensuring that the right person gets the right dose at the right time, every time. My goal was to blend my skills in technology with a deep-seated desire to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who face daily health management challenges.

Device Functionality

The iHealth smart dispenser is a sophisticated Internet-connected device designed to simplify the management of complex medication regimens. It incorporates a range of sensors, actuators, and critical components, integrated through a meticulously designed 4-layer Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Here’s how each component contributes to the functionality of the device:

PCB Design

Sensors and Actuators

Connectivity and Control

Firmware & Operating System

This integrated approach not only ensures the functional reliability of the iHealth smart dispenser but also enhances its user-friendliness and effectiveness in real-world applications. Through careful design, testing, and the use of advanced operating systems, the dispenser becomes a robust solution for medication management.


Firmware Development


Software Development

IoT and User Interface

Integration and Mechanical Design

This comprehensive approach to addressing each aspect of the project ensured that the iHealth smart dispenser was not only functional but also robust, reliable, and user-friendly, ready for real-world application and capable of significantly improving medication management.

Prototype Learnings

Building and testing the iHealth smart dispenser prototype provided valuable insights and lessons that are essential for refining the device and planning future projects. Here are some of the key learnings and reflections on what could be done differently in future iterations:


  1. Importance of Modular Design: The testing phase highlighted the benefits of having a modular design, especially when it came to isolating faults and making specific component upgrades or replacements. A more modular approach would facilitate easier maintenance and scalability of the system.
  2. Testing Under Real-World Conditions: Simulating real-world usage scenarios was incredibly beneficial. It helped identify unforeseen issues, such as how users interact with the device and environmental factors affecting device performance. This emphasized the need for comprehensive user testing to capture a wide range of potential issues.
  3. Power Management Efficiency: Initial tests of the power system revealed inefficiencies and the need for more robust handling of different power sources and conditions. This led to a deeper understanding of power consumption optimization and battery management, crucial for ensuring the device's reliability, especially in a medical setting.
  4. Integrating Advanced Sensing Technologies: The use of basic sensors for monitoring temperature and humidity proved adequate but showed limitations in predictive analytics regarding medication quality. Incorporating more advanced sensors could provide deeper insights and enhance the device's functionality.
  5. User Interface Simplicity: Feedback from user interaction tests showed that while the interface was intuitive, there were still challenges for some users, particularly those with limited tech experience or visual impairments. This taught the importance of user-centered design and the need for customizable interface options.

Changes for Future Builds

  1. Enhance User Interface Accessibility: For future iterations, focusing more on accessibility features, such as voice commands, larger touch-friendly interfaces, and high-contrast displays, would make the device more user-friendly for a broader audience, including those with disabilities.
  2. Expand Testing Protocols: Implementing a more rigorous and varied testing protocol that includes extreme conditions and long-term usage scenarios would help ensure the device’s durability and reliability in all possible environments.
  3. Improve Mechanical Reliability: Based on the difficulties encountered with the gear and rack mechanism, exploring alternative dispensing technologies that are less prone to mechanical failure would be beneficial. This could include magnetic, vacuum, or robotic handling systems which might offer improved reliability and precision.
  4. Incorporate IoT Security Enhancements: Given the sensitive nature of medical data, strengthening the security measures for IoT connectivity is crucial. Implementing advanced encryption methods and continuous security updates would protect user data more effectively.
  5. Feedback Loop from Users: Establishing a continuous feedback loop with actual users would be integral to iterative design improvements. This could be facilitated through beta testing programs or regular user forums to gather and implement user insights more dynamically.

By applying these lessons and considerations for future builds, the development of medical devices like the iHealth smart dispenser can continue to evolve, becoming more effective, user-friendly, and adaptable to the needs of diverse user populations.

Next Steps

To further develop and enhance the iHealth smart dispenser, several strategic steps can be taken to ensure its success and efficacy. These next steps aim to refine the product, address any outstanding issues, and prepare it for broader deployment. Here’s a structured approach to advancing the project:

  1. Advanced Prototyping and Refinement

  2. Iterative Prototyping: Continue developing prototypes to iteratively address and refine design and functionality issues identified in earlier tests.

  3. Component Upgrades: Investigate and integrate higher-quality or more advanced components based on the insights gained from prototype testing, particularly in the areas of sensors and actuators.
  4. Enhanced User Interface and Accessibility

  5. User-Centric Design Improvements: Implement design changes based on user feedback to enhance ease of use and accessibility, including voice commands, larger buttons, and more intuitive app interactions.

  6. Multilingual Support: Expand the device’s user interface to include multiple language options to cater to a diverse user base.
  7. Comprehensive Testing

  8. Extended Field Testing: Conduct extensive field tests under various environmental conditions and with diverse user groups to ensure the device performs reliably in real-world settings.

  9. Regulatory Testing and Compliance: Ensure the device meets all necessary regulatory requirements for medical devices, which may involve clinical trials or other formal testing processes.
  10. Security Enhancements

  11. IoT Security: Strengthen the IoT components’ security framework, including implementing end-to-end encryption and regular security audits to protect user data and device functionality.

  12. Continuous Monitoring and Updates: Develop a system for continuous monitoring of device performance and security, with capabilities for remote updates and patches.

Takeaways from ESE5160

In the context of a course like ESE5160, which presumably focuses on embedded systems engineering, completing the lectures, assignments, and a course-long prototyping project would provide a comprehensive education in both the theory and practical application of embedded systems. Here are some key takeaways you might have gained from such a course:

1. Understanding of Embedded Systems Architecture

2. Proficiency in Programming and Software Development

3. Hands-On Experience with Hardware

4. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

5. Project Management and Teamwork

Project Links

1. Node-Red

2. Software & Firmware


3. Altium Project

Altium 365:

3. Hardware & Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements (HRS) Review

  1. HRS 01 (SAM W25 microcontroller): This requirement was met. The SAM W25 was used as the main controller, providing adequate flash memory and SRAM for the application. Testing involved verifying its operation at the specified frequency and Wi-Fi capability through functional tests.
  2. HRS 02 (DHT22 Sensor): Met. The sensor performed within the specified temperature and humidity accuracy. Calibration tests were conducted against known humidity and temperature values to validate the accuracy.
  3. HRS 03 (Optical Sensors): Did not met. the collector and emitter pins were mistakenly swapped in the schematics.
  4. HRS 04 (RTC Module PCF8563): Did not met. We used the integrated RTC module in SAMW25 chip instead.
  5. HRS 05 (LCD Screen): Met. The specified LCD screen displayed information correctly and with the required color depth. Screen functionality was tested through display tests of various images and data. LCD
  6. HRS 06 (Micro servo): Met. The servo's speed and angle of operation were verified through mechanical tests measuring the time and degree of movement. servo
  7. HRS 07 (Power Supply Units): Partially met. While the buck converter achieved the desired efficiency, the boost converter fell short by approximately 3%. Efficiency testing involved measuring input and output power under different load conditions. Power
  8. HRS 08 (Passive Buzzer): Did not met. The Passive buzzer in ESE vualt has a wrong footpring, leading to integration failures.
  9. HRS 09 (Wi-Fi Controller): Met. The WINC1500 supported the specified data rates and demonstrated reliable connectivity over 50 meters in open space tests.
  10. HRS 10 (LED indicators): Met. LED indicators functioned within the visible spectrum and maintained low power consumption, tested through power measurement and visual verification.
  11. HRS 11 (On/Off Button): Met. The button's durability and reliability were confirmed through a high-cycle endurance test simulating frequent use.

Software Requirements (SRS) Review

  1. SRS 01 (Temperature-Humidity Sensor Interface): Met. The software correctly interfaced with the DHT22 sensor, and data logging accuracy was confirmed through simulated environmental changes. DHT20
  2. SRS 02 (GUI Medication Scheduling): Met. The GUI allowed for the setting and modification of medication schedules. This functionality was tested remotely and changes were accurately reflected in the microcontroller's operation. GUI
  3. SRS 03 (Notification Alerts): Partially met. Since the failure in buzzer integration, when hitting the schedule time, only LCD screen shows warning information. The buzzer won't works.
  4. SRS 04 (Wi-Fi Controller Communication): Met. Remote monitoring and configuration changes were successfully implemented and verified through network communication tests. Wifi
  5. SRS 05 (Dispensing Activity Logging): Did not met. In the end, we abandon this functionality of storaging schedule in SD card. Instead, we store the schedule in the backend of the server.
  6. SRS 06 (RTC Synchronization): Met. The RTC was accurately synchronized with the system, confirmed through cross-verification tests with the system time.
  7. SRS 07 (Emergency Stop Feature): Did not met. Instead, we changed the function into controlling the LCD ON/OFF state in the website.
  8. SRS 08 (LED Indicator Management): Met. LED responses to system states and alerts were correctly implemented and verified through scenario-based testing.
  9. SRS 09 (On/Off Button Management): Met. The power control mechanism reliably detected button presses, with consistent operation confirmed through repetitive activation and deactivation tests.

4. Project Photos & Screenshots



PCB Photos


Thermal Camera


Altium Designer




Block Diagram
